There is no Friendship Between a Man and Woman – Oscar Wilde
There is no Friendship Between a Man and Woman – Oscar Wilde
Between Men and Women, there is no friendship possible, there is passion, enmity, worship, and love but not friendship.

A Facebook user by the name Wayne Michaels went ahead to justify this statement in the article below.
Oscar Wilde is partially right, he knows something that we don’t have the patience to understand
From the perspective of a man, it’s not possible to be just friends with a woman without having emotions or silent intentions to get her laid running through your mind whenever you see her, whenever the opportunity presents itself, no matter how long you’ve known her or how much of a gentleman you wanna be, as long as you’ve been close with her, your emotions would get the better of you.
But from the perspective and design of a woman, it is possible for a woman to just want to be friends with you without really thinking of or wishing to get f**ked by the Man, she may just like your company and all but not in an erotic sense and that’s where we get it wrong as a result of our perspective design…
The design of a woman also makes it easy for them to be easily coerced or cajoled within the heat of a moment to sleep with someone they didn’t initially intend to get laid by…
And then when they recover their senses later and recall that this wasn’t what they wanted, they make claims of RAPE and Sexual Assault from guilt…