
» Chapter 1: The Life I left behind «
“Let go of me!!” Was the cry that came from an isolated alley as a young woman was being dragged away by unknown Brutes.

“Oh Be Quiet!!” One of her captors commanded, “resistance is futile lady” , lifting her up and placing her on his shoulders he motioned to his two other companions, “Rico, Tom, make sure no one’s following us!”

“We’re all clear Marcus,” they replied in affirmation.

Arriving at the edge of the alley, they discovered there was someone over there. He was wearing a pink shirt in a Navy blue tux, a navy blue tie and shiny black shoes to match. He was just standing there, leaning against the wall and staring into the sky. It was as if he was waiting for someone.

“Who da hell is he and what da hell is he doing here of all places?” Marcus thought to himself.

“Oy! Marc, I thought you said this place was always deserted,” Rico whispered.

“It always is. I’m just as surprised as you guys. Unless….”

Marcus didn’t get the chance to complete his statement as the Mysterious man turned His head towards them with a Sigh, “You kept me waiting, losers.”

Letting out another sigh he started to walk lazily towards them. “Well it’s not like you were expecting me or anything,” he said, casually rubbing the back of his neck as he closed the gap between himself and the Miscreants.

Finally getting a clear view Marcus realized he was actually quite young, probably in his late teens or early twenties. The young man who was tall, tanned and donning a pleasingly thin figure, was wearing a pair of spectacles.

“Please help me!” The lady being held captive cried out.

“No one is gon save you bimbo! Just shut da hell up!” Marcus barked.

“He doesn’t look so tough,” remarked Rico.

“OH? Am I being underestimated? Hahahahah I’m sorry, I get that a lot…..,” said the young man with a sheepish grin on his face while scratching the back of his head making Marcus wonder if he really knew the kind danger he was in. He is about to get beaten to a bloody pulp and he still has the audacity to act like nothing was going on.

“Oy! Do you think you can afford to be smiling at a time like this?” Marcus shouted at him in anger. “Rico! Tom!! Get rid of this…”

‘Do not misunderstand…, I won’t repeat myself so listen carefully…..’ The young man suddenly spoke out, cutting short Marcus’ order. ‘Let that lady go!’

There was a change in the air around him. All of a sudden there was a menacing look in his eyes.

“J-just who da hell is this guy?” Stammered Tom.

“Moron!! Stop spacing out, just take him out!!” Barked Marcus at Tom.

Heeding the order, Tom charged at him. Throwing a punch, he could’ve sworn that the young man was just in front of him a second ago. But to his horror he seemed to have disappeared right before his eyes! As He ended up striking just thin air.

“What da f.. Gwwllk!!” Tom groused as he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his gut.

“When did he even touch me?” He muttered to himself as he fell to his knees trying to stomach the pain.

“Just so you know, I never disappeared, I just moved my body outta your range of vision,” said the young man who seemed to have appeared from nowhere, at least that was how Tom felt.

“Well it’s not like you’d understand what that means. Anyways, you won’t be moving for a while,” he continued as he walked passed Tom who was still on his knees.

“You son of a bitch!!! What da hell did you do to Tom!?!” Said Rico in anger, charging towards the young man. “I’m so gonna freaking kill…”

‘You don’t wana piss me off bro!’ Warned the young man Interrupting Rico with a stern look in his eyes. That menacing stare he had shown earlier was back. But this was more intense, Rico noted. The air around him had changed. Rico has never felt so much killing intent from anyone in his life. There was a certain sinister chill in the atmosphere. And without warning Rico was already engulfed by a paralytic fear, ceasing his motion and sealing his movements. The young man started to walk towards Rico. As he approached, all Rico could do was panic in fear and profuse sweating. Running away was no longer an option as the will to even move seemed to have been taken from him.

“Oy Rico!! Why da hell did you stop? Rico!!! Rico?” Uttered Marcus in confusion.

“You don’t just get it do you? You don’t have time to be worried about your friend, ’cause I’m about to ……”

‘Alright alright!!! Just take her and go! You freaking monster!!!’ Retorted Marcus in frustration as he shoved his hostage towards the mysteriously frightening lad.

“Awww me? A monster? That kinda hurt my feelings” he replied with a smirk on his face. Well at least you’ve let her go. So I’m cool with it hehe.”

The now freed lady didn’t have a problem running into her rescuer arms.

“Thank you” she told him. Her brilliant green eyes shone with gratitude.

“Tom! Rico! Snap out of it! Let’s get da hell outta here!” Marcus called out to his companions who didn’t waste any time fleeing the scene.

“Wow you really gave em the creeps” the lady said in astonishment.

“Well I had to do something, I couldn’t let em harm you. I noticed they’ve been trailing you right from that boutique across the street. Anyways you are safe now.” He responded with a gentle smile.

“Hey so What’s your name? I mean I wanna know the name of my knight in shining armour. Uhm my name is Tasha.”

‘Well Tasha, my name is Josh and I’m no knight in shining armour’, he replied while walking away. ‘Take the path to your left it’ll lead you to the bus station, Tasha.’

“No no please! Don’t leave me!” She pleaded as she grabbed hold of his arm. “Josh please!” She said almost with teary eyes. It was clear that she doesn’t plan on walking the streets alone.

“Hmmph aww mehn this is just a drag!” Josh replied with a sigh.

‘So you’re gon accompany me right?’ She inquired anxiously. “I mean there might be other perverts out there. What if they attack me again?”

‘Don’t worry I’ll accompany you,’ Josh assured her. She was probably right. She could be attacked again, he thought to himself. The green eyed beauty was quite curvy and the extremely skimpy purple gown she was putting on only amplified it, she might as well just have a ‘Rape me’ sign posted on her back.

“You’ll probably get attacked again considering what you’re putting on,” he pointed out.

‘Hey c’mon! This is just fashion! Besides, it’s no excuse to justify rape,’ she replied defensively.

“Hmmph well you can never be too careful,” Josh insisted.

‘Alright so what’s wrong with my dress?’ She asked him.

“Hah are you kidding? Come on you should know that already. It’s just too skimpy and it makes your huge boobs look like they are gon pop out any moment. I wonder how you’re even able to walk so comfortably wearing that. Plus…. Uhm never mind,” Josh paused realizing the awkwardness of his statement.

Buh Tasha seemed to be interested in what he had to say.
“Come on why did you stop?” She asked, tugging onto his right arm. “Hehehe continue what you were saying Josh. Have you been staring at my boobs huh?” She said with a sly smirk as she tugged on his arm making sure it was grazing her ample bosoms.

“Uhmm I Haven’t, I’m just good at observing,” Josh said not really knowing If he had used the right words.

“Heheh you sure did a good job observing my boobs,” Tasha replied teasingly. She seemed to be enjoying how uneasy this particular conversation was making him feel.

“Oh look! Finally, we are at the bus station” Josh pointed out, relief echoing in his voice as he saw an opportunity to change the subject.

“You’ve been such a gentleman Josh,” Tasha acknowledged. “I hope this won’t be the last time we get to meet.”

‘It probably is the last time we’ll meet,’ Josh said.
“Well we’ll see,” she said softly and kissed him on the cheek gently.

“You gon be left behind if you don’t hurry up,” Josh said, a bit flustered.

“See ya Jay!” She said as she hopped on the bus and winked at him.

As the bus flew off into the sky, Josh started walking back towards the streets, back to his home. Placing his hands in his pockets he felt a piece of paper in his left pocket. It was odd because he was sure it wasn’t there before. He brought out the piece of paper for observation and noticed it had something written on it. The note read: 00197G call me – Tasha. Josh smiled to himself realizing where the note came from.

“She really wants to meet,” he soliloquized. “Buh well…” He continued with a sigh as he walked towards a trash can and discarded the piece of paper.

Finally at his apartment building, Josh looked around suspiciously as if he was making sure he wasn’t seen.

“Lights on!” He said as he walked into his room. The room immediately lit up on his command.

“Windows shut down!” He spoke out, removing his jacket and pair of spectacles. The windows obeyed and shut down.

“Hmmmph” he sighed deeply as he folded the sleeves of his shirt revealing a Red bracelet tightly attached to his left wrist. Loosening his tie he fell flat on his bed, laying on his back and facing the roof.

“Mehn what a day!” He said heaving another sigh, gently caressing the bracelet on his left wrist with his right hand.
Staring at the roof for about five minutes, Josh finally spoke, “I had a feeling it was you who was stalking me.”

‘Hahah still as perceptive as ever I see,’ was the reply that came from the corner of his room. It was a sweet female voice. A voice Josh was all too familiar with.

“Why are you here?” Josh asked, his eyes still glued to the ceiling.

‘Your room is such a mess,’ she said playfully, ignoring his question. ‘By the way that girl you rescued was smoking hot,’ she said teasingly.

Shifting his focus from the ceiling to the Red haired girl sitting on the table, Josh said, “Is that why you are here, Celine?,” with an eyebrow raised.

‘Hahah duh! of course not!’ She laughed out. ‘There’s something I want you to see,’ She said throwing a file on his laps.

Heaving a sigh Josh sat up and picked up the file. “So what does this have to do with me,” he spoke, flipping through the pages.

“Josh you are being summoned. We really need your help,” She said calmly. “Celine I’m no longer part of SIFT” Josh replied handing the file back to her.

“I know you’ve been inactive for about three years now buh we won’t be able to do this without you. We need the Guardian now more that ever,” said Celine.

“I abandoned that title a long time ago. I failed the people I swore to protect. I’m not worthy,” Josh said with a sad look in his eyes.

“Look Josh I know what happened on planet Megiddo, you did all you could. You and I both know there was nothing you could have done to save Bryan,” celine said taking her sit close to Josh.

“Did you know that he was in love with you? He just couldn’t find the right time to tell you and died before he even got the chance. I was there, I couldn’t save him.” Josh said with tears in his eyes.

“I’ve always known about Bryan’s feeling for me,” Celine said softly. “Buh you should know that I’ve always loved y…”

“I’m someone who couldn’t save his best friend! what possibly could I do to save the lives of others,” Josh said cutting her off.

“Just do what Bryan would’ve done,” Celine replied placing her hand on his. That statement of hers had a huge bearing on Josh as he suddenly got up with a look of determination all over his face. “I’ll be right back, he said as he walked towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Asked Celine.

“The cemetery” Josh said and left the room.
Josh arrived at the cemetery thirty minutes after leaving his apartment. Upon arrival he walked passed all the headstones he encountered till he got to a grave with the inscription “Bryan Scott.” Josh stood in silence for some minutes till he finally broke the Silence with a sigh.

“They are summoning me, Bryan,” he spoke to the gravestone. “They are saying they need the guardian, buh I don’t know if I’m gon be able to come through for em. What would you have done? I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you and I know I’ve not being able to keep my promise to you buh I promise I’ll protect celine, the girl you died protecting,” Josh spoke with a lot of sadness.

Just as he had finished uttering those words a space ship suddenly flew over him. “I knew you would be here,” Celine said walking towards him. “It’s time to go.”

As Josh stared at the ship he knew what this meant. He was gradually returning to the life he had left behind.

“He who fears death will never unlock his true powers”

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