» Prologue «
By 3500 CE mankind was at the summit of technological advancement. It was an age of revolution for the entire human race. New worlds were discovered and more so their inhabitants, the ones believed to be Aliens. It was only a matter of time before it was realized that there were Billions of living beings stretched across the galaxy, different civilizations and cultures existing in their various planets and co-existing in unity all over the endless universe. And as mankind strove for knowledge and understanding of the very laws that governs the universe itself, the idea of an Inter-galactic Peace Treaty sprung up. And, it was a success as the Aliens were really open to the idea of discovering new worlds and civilizations different from theirs. That initiative was the catalyst to the revolutionary age being seen at the present. In time the word alien became relative and what many believed to be science fiction became reality.
But with the advent of Inter-galactic unification came chaos! Unscrupulous elements rose from the shadows seeking to take advantage and create universal anarchy. Within the batting of an eyelash the numbers of crime syndicates rose to astronomical level and with it, inter-galactic mayhem. Kingpins gaining access to new worlds they could exploit, in an attempt to increase their territories across the galaxy.
Desperate to curb the increasingly growing pandemonium the Universal Nations Organizations U.N.O -a confederate consisting mainly of seven sovereign worlds among which Earth was one- sanctioned the creation of an Inter-Galactic counter terrorists unit namely; The Special Inter-galactic Federal Troops [SIFT]. This unit was tasked with the responsibility of gathering intelligence and thoroughly sifting any data related to security in an attempt to avert terrorist activities and ultimately eliminate threats to inter-galactic peace. The unit itself is strictly made up of a certain kind of individuals. Individuals with high aura essence. These individuals are classified as superior species, all springing up from their respective planets. They were hand picked by the U.N.O leaders for their various gifts: strength, intelligence, adaptability and some for their special powers. All these attributes were what created a heightened aura essence in an individual. For over a millennium SIFT has labored to maintain peace and order, recruiting young individuals with high aura essences, called potentials among whom was Frederick Josh.
Josh was noted to possess an incredibly enormous aura essence believed to be too high for a human or any other alien specie for that matter. He was recruited and taught how to control it. In time he became a full agent. Being very effective in battle, Josh became the backbone of SIFT, halting the operations of various terrorist groups. He became so reliable he was called The Guardian- a title that became widely known throughout the galaxy.
But soon after losing his best friend Bryan Scott, Josh sealed off his powers deciding it was time to put the life of fighting inter-galactic terrorism behind him.
However, the universe once again is in peril and Fred Josh is called upon for assistance. The question is; is He willing to put the past behind him?
“Witness the death of your loved one, witness true despair!!!”