A humble request to every Nigerian. Kindly send this message to at least five persons and ask them to further send to five persons and keep the chain going​​…
1. Don’t throw garbage on the roads/streets​

2. Don’t spit or urinate on roads and walls​

3. Don’t write on walls and currency notes​

4. Don’t abuse and insult others​, rather, be patient, tolerant and controlled

5. Save water and electricity​

6. Plant a tree​

7. Obey traffic rules​

8. Honour and take care of your parents and grandparents , take their blessings and always respect them​

9. Respect women​

10. Give way to ambulances​

11. Treat your neighbour in the way you would want to be treated

12. Do not seek for corners to cut in anything you do

13. Be intentional in honesty and integrity

14. Fear God in a way that is demonstrated in your lifestyle

15. Respect every individual, regardless of race, religion, tribe or status, we are all Gods creations

16. Always seek to be part of the solution and not the problem

17. Grab every opportunity to be kind and helpful

18. Be conscious of setting a good example for younger or junior ones

19. Be content and grateful for what you have more than lamenting over what you lack

20. Be proud of being a Nigerian by focusing on the positives and acknowledging that God does not make mistakes
*We need to change ourselves and not the country. Once we change ourselves the country will automatically change*

If we want our children to live in a clean, safe and prosperous environment, then pledge to follow these pointers in your everyday life.​
No one person or leader can change the country alone; it’s you and I who can change our beloved nation, by changing ourselves​!
Kindly forward this important message to every single friend​ or group​ so that it reaches every citizen of Nigeria​ .
Thanks​ and God bless.

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