·̵̭̌✽̤̈̊The Guardian✽̤̈̊·̵̭̌

“Children are treasures from above, cherish them”

» Chapter 8: Rescue Mission «

With the destruction of Moontressor came deep sober reflection. “Why am I even here?” “Why was I so helpless?” “Who would trust a weakling such as myself with a life?” were the questions that haunted Josh’s thoughts as he lay awake on his bed remembering the tragedy that had just befallen.
“You don’t need to be so concerned you know?” Josh said as he rolled over on his bed, folded his hands behind his head and faced the ceiling. “Aww I know mi lad, but we can’t help worrying about you,” Rebecca responded. “Well don’t be. I’m not a baby who doesn’t understand these kinda things. I know I need to suck it up. I’m cool,” Josh said with his eyes fixated on the ceiling. “Yeah right! Like anyone would believe you’re actually cool with what had just happened. If we leave you alone you might just kill yourself,” Celine jested. “Hehe you are not serious Cee,” Josh chuckled at her statement. “Thanks, Captain Rebecca, Celine… I appreciate. But really I’m okay. And you guys need to go sleep. It’s hard to tell when it’s day or night in outer space.” Josh said to the two women. “Mi lad I’m a pandorian remember? We don’t sleep a lot like you humans,” Rebecca pointed out. “I still have some data sifting to finish up,” Celine said with a sigh. “Well that should be done in your office and not in my room. Besides what kinda data are you talking about anyways?” ‘It’s nothing much, just some classified nonsense,’ Celine answered Josh. “Classified nonsense?” Josh looked at the young red head with an eyebrow raised. “Trust me, it’s a highly classified crap,” Celine said. “Alright mi loves it’s time for me to head back to the control deck,” Rebecca said before planting a kiss on Josh’s forehead. “Eeww don’t expect me to also give you a peck,” Celine teased. “Goodnight Captain Rebecca. No goodnight for you Celine,” Josh said flaunting his tongue at her . “Hahahah you two are just adorable,” Rebecca said laughing.
As soon as both women left the room, Josh decided it was time for a quick slumber. “There’s nothing like sleeping through your sorrows,” Josh soliloquized. But as much as Josh desperately searched for sleep, one thing kept plaguing his mind; the fact that El’charro called him “Solarage.” Just how did he know about that. Does that mean he knows about the Dark Matter as well? Josh tossed and turned on his bed but even that didn’t unearth the answers he was looking for. “I guess I’ll ask him when next I see him,” Josh thought to himself.
Just as Josh was about to drift into a natural and periodic state of unconsciousness his electro-acoustic transducer began to beep. “Aww mehn just when I thought I could catch some sleep,” Josh said, burying his head in his pillow. “Suck it up kid! You forfeited your privilege of sleep the day you became the Guardian,” the Captain General spoke through the earpiece. “Yeah yeah I know,” Josh spoke with a sleepy slur. “Anyways you have a mission, so hurry up to my office!” The Captain General said further. “What? Herren Des Kosmos?” Josh suddenly jumped off his bed and started dressing up. “No! Actually it’s a slightly different mission,” the Captain answered. “Why? Shouldn’t I be focused on the issue with the secret cult?” Josh queried. “Hmm just get over here and I’ll brief you on what your mission is all about.”
Josh dressed up and briskly walked to the Captain General’s office. “Hmm I wonder what’s going on?” Josh thought to himself. As Josh got into the office he met quite a show. Celine was with another curvy young lady in a tight black suit. They both had their hands crossed under their buxom and were staring sternly at each other. “Eh? Are these girls doing what I think they’re doing?” Josh thought out loud. “You’re absolutely right mate! Those two are actually comparing bosoms, which looks quite yummy if I might add,” Silas said suddenly as he appeared behind Josh with a very perverted look on his face. “Who’s the other girl and where’s the captain?” Josh whispered to Silas. “Well the Captain is on his way back here and the curvaceous hottie with brown hair is Agent zero point seven [0.7], Natasha Pearl Symorov,” Silas answered, his eyes firmly glued to both girls’ bosoms. “Hmm It looks like Celine’s bosoms are a little bigger,” Silas pondered out loud. “What’s an agent of the sub-zero unit doing here?” Josh asked ignoring Silas last statement. “Well I don’t really know what she’s doing here but my oh my what cleavages she’s donning,” Silas said drooling. “Jeez get a hold of your hormones Silas,” Josh said nodding his head.
“Hmm have you been using breasts enlargement creams Celine?” The young lady said to Celine as she stared at her bosoms. “Huh? Is that jealousy I sense Pearl? Is it my fault I’m so endowed? Judging from the size of your boobs I bet you’re the one who’s using such a cream. You even dyed your hair brown, you’re so fake,” Celine retorted. “Arrgh! You’re such a pain! How dare you!” The curvy lass sounded pissed.
As the ladies carried on their pointless argument Josh observed from a distance and though he tried to dismiss it, he had to admit that the lady was quite as curvaceous as Celine, but something about her felt familiar. “Fred Josh, you’re already here. Good!” Captain Jim spoke, interrupting the two ladies. “Captain you said I have a mission,” Josh said. “Hmm this mission is of great importance. There’s been a series of kidnapping on Bantheft over the last month.” Captain Jim said calmly. “Kidnapping? Seriously? But we have more serious issues on ground Captain!” Josh said. “Hmm I told you, this mission is also of great importance,” Jim said. “Hmph! Well I understand that kidnapping is a serious crime. But what will happen to the hunt for Herren Des Kosmos? We need to protect the remaining Celestial Orbs,” Josh protested. “Hmm I know. Right this very moment SIFT is dispatching tactical teams to protect the remaining *five Celestial Orbs,” Jim responded calmly. “You will be working with an Agent from SIFT’s sub-zero unit, Miss Natasha Pearl Symorov,” Jim said pointing to the young lady beside Celine. “Uhm have we met before?” Josh inquired as he shook her hand. “Aww don’t tell me you’ve forgotten my cute face. Remember that damsel in distress you saved back on earth?” The lady said smiling. “Damsel in distress indeed,” Celine muttered with a smirk. “Oh shut up celine!” The young lady said, giving Celine an evil glare. “Oh crap! Tasha!?!” Josh said finally recognizing her trademark green eyes. “But you look kinda different”, “yeah well It’s “cause I dyed my hair and changed my hairstyle, I look great don’t I?” she replied flaunting her hair. “Yeah you do look great actually,” Josh said. “Well I’m still mad you never called me, not even once!” She said feigning anger. “Uhem! I am Silas and it’s a pleasure to meet you love.” Silas butted in, extending his hand to the young lady. “Well it’s a pleasure too Silas. Your reputation precedes you. Your espionage skills are quite legendary,” she said with a smile. “Well what can I say. I’m good at what I do,” Silas said with a very flirtatious tone and kissed the young lady’s hand. “Are you guys done fraternizing? Buncha boring boorishly blabbing buddies” the Captain General eventually spoke bringing everyone back to order. “Children of nowadays,” Celine said nodding her head obviously taking the Captain General’s side. “Hmm Celine you are also inclusive,” Jim said. “Hahaha busted!” Agent Pearl smirked. “Shut up Pearl!” Celine barked.
“Moving on to the matter at hand, Josh and Agent Pearl Symorov will be heading to planet Bantheft of the Coral galaxy with immediate effect. Once Captain Rebecca finishes calibrating the proper coordinates, you’ll be transported there. Move out!” Captain Jim ordered.
Just as they were about to head to the transporter, Celine called out to the Brown haired lady. “Pearl can I talk to you for a minute?” “Jeez what now?” Pearl responded reluctantly. “Just come here!” Celine said tugging on her arm till they entered into another room. “So what’s this all about?” The young lady asked rolling her eyes.
“Better don’t try anything funny with Josh,” Celine said. “Like what?” Tasha said rolling her eyes some more. “Pearl I know you. You’re a wild card. So I’m just saying,” Celine said. “Hehe of course I’m a wild card and I’m hoping to have a fun time with him,” Tasha said with a smirk. “Arrgh you dare not,” Celine said, gritting her teeth. “Heheheh I bet that boy is a virgin. Heheh I can’t promise you he’ll still be one when he returns,” Tasha teased further. “Arrghh I’m so gon kill you! He’s off limits!” Celine said with a vein popping out her forehead. “Hahahah I’m just kidding you know, maybe.” Tasha was clearly enjoying every bit of her antics. “Anyways we’ve gata get going. See you later bestie,” Tasha said finally before giving Celine a hug. But just as she was about to leave, Celine held her hand. “Pearl, please take care of Josh,” Celine said eventually. Tasha eyes opened wide at Celine’s statement. She could tell how serious she was from her facial expression alone. “What’s with her? She really likes this guy?” Tasha thought to herself. “Well I’m sure he’s the one who’ll look after me. He’s my Knight in shining armor after all,” Tasha shrugged. “Damn you Pearl!” Celine chased the brown haired lady outside the room.
“Celine and Natasha are always a rowdy bunch whenever they are together,” Rebecca said as Both ladies ran into the control deck laughing. “Tasha we’ve gata get going,” Josh called out from the transporter.
“It’s time to go Cee,” Josh said to Celine. “Be careful Jay,” Celine waved at him just before he and Tasha were transported. Having traveled at the speed of light, Josh and Tasha got to Bantheft within mere seconds. “This planet sure looks like earth” Josh said. “Well not counting the green sky,” Tasha said pointing to the sky. “Agent Symorov!” A man suddenly called out to them. “Agent Boris, this is Fred Josh,” Tasha responded. “It’s quite an honor to meet you,” the Man said as they shook hands. “Nah the pleasure is all mine,” Josh responded. “So what’s the stats?” Tasha asked getting straight to business. “Target is still under surveillance, but his two daughters are still unaccounted for,” the Man replied. “Well that’s why we’re here,” Josh said firmly. “We will definitely rescue them.” “Continue to set up a perimeter around his residence and STAY outta sight.” Tasha urged him. “Yes ma’am!” The man said before vanishing. “That is one high tech holographic projection,” Josh said in amazement. “Oh yeah? Doctor Flynch designed it,” Tasha replied. “Wow so where are we headed?” Josh asked. “Our mission is ultimately a rescue mission but we’ve got to do it under the radar. Though Bantheft is within SIFT’s jurisdiction, a large number of its inhabitants are criminals and so it’s imperative we tread carefully.” Tasha spoke as they walked towards a Blue sports car. The Car had no tyres so Josh immediately guessed it could fly. Tasha tapped a button on her watch and a beeping noise sounded from the car as it opened up. “So where’s our hide out?” Josh asked. “You’ll find out soon enough,” Tasha gave Josh a wink before entering into the car. “Just what does she have in mind?” Josh pondered.
As they drove through the city, Josh began to fathom that the streets on Bantheft were fashioned just like those on earth. The way the roads were designed, the vehicles that plied them and even the way the people dressed. “Reminds you of earth doesn’t it? I felt that way my first time here. These people are such copycats,” Tasha said. “So uhm how did you meet Celine, Tasha? Or should I call you pearl?” Josh asked. “Oh honey you can call me whatever you want, my name is Tasha. Only a few people call me pearl.” Tasha replied. “So I take it you and Celine are friends?” Josh inquired. “Oh yeah! We besties. We go way back and that girl always drives me nuts,” Tasha said laughing. “Oh I get now,” Josh muttered. “Honey we’re here!” Tasha announced as she pulled over a huge storey building. “What? This is supposed to be our hide out?” Josh asked bemused.
Josh quickly got out of the car and opened the door for Tasha. “Well just because we’re tryna get under the radar doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy life,” Tasha said rolling her eyes. “Uhm but this must be like a seven star hotel judging from its design,” Josh pointed out. “Hahahah damn right it is! Just wait till you see inside!” Tasha said as she tugged on Josh’s hand and dragged him into the huge building.
“Whoa!” Josh exclaimed in awe as he entered into the building. Everything was looking elegant and perfect. “How may I be of service? An epicurean room for newly wed couples perhaps? ” Asked a receptionist. “Oh no we’re not a cou…” ‘Oh yes! The very best please! Especially one with extremely romantic attributes,’ Tasha said cutting Josh off. “Oh boy I’m in trouble aint I?” Josh shook his head in amazement.
The room Tasha rented happened to be quite the epitome of astonishment as it was simply exquisite. ‘Ahh! Just what I was expecting,’ Tasha said with satisfaction. “Whatever you need, just give us a call and we’ll be at your service.” The Bellboy said with his eyes wide open as he kept staring at Tasha’s impressive cleavages. “Hmph hello? Uhm we’ll do just that,” Josh said with a sigh, calling the Bellboy back to his senses. Josh gave the Bellboy his tip as he left. “So what do you think of the room?” Tasha asked from the Bedroom. “Well it’s quite something,” Josh responded not really knowing how to describe it. Josh’s eyes almost popped out as he got into the room to find Tasha undressing. “Jeez! Tasha I’m s-sorry. I didn’t know you were already preparing to take a shower.” Josh stuttered. “Hehe what are you fretting about? It’s okay,” Tasha said as she continued to undress. Josh was staring at her back and thought it was best he left the room to her till she got into the bathroom. But just before he could leave Tasha threw a mini I-pad to him. “What’s this?” Josh asked. “Tap that green icon on the screen,” Tasha urged. “It’s data regarding this mission,” she continued before reaching behind and began unhooking her bra. “Uhm erm I’ll view this outside,” Josh said with a stammer. “Hehe nah let’s do it together,” Tasha said smiling to herself. Josh’s discomfort immediately increased by a hundred fold as soon as Tasha slid down her pants to reveal her curvy round ass. Just staring at her from behind alone was enough to know that She was an incredibly voluptuous woman. “The Man in question is a Scientist named Lothan Joram,” Tasha spoke. “It says here that both his twin daughters were kidnapped.” Josh said trying his best to keep his eyes glued to the I-pad in his hand. “Yeah, he contacted us secretly and that is another reason why we must operate under the radar. If those responsible for his daughters abduction find out SIFT is involved they might harm the girls or even worse.” Tasha said as she grabbed a towel and turned around to face Josh. For some reason the towel only added to Josh’s present predicament as it did little to cover Tasha hug mounds and only accentuated her cleavages more. “Josh? Shouldn’t you be undressing? Let’s hit the shower!” Tasha said in excitement. “Uhmm I’ll wait till you’re done.” Josh said blushing at the thought of being in the same bathroom with such a voluptuous girl. “Aww you’re such a spoil-sport,” Tasha pouted clearly enjoying her little tease. The way Josh was behaving only inspired her further but she decided to save her sensual tricks for later. “Alright honey, but don’t think you’re off the hook,” she spoke in a very sensual tone. As soon as she left the room Josh heaved a huge sigh of relief. “Hmph just what did I get myself into?” He wondered.

Meanwhile, in a residence situated somewhere not too far away from the Hotel Josh and Tasha were lodging. A man steadily paced to and fro in his living room. He had a worried look coupled up with some bruises on his face. “They should have been here by now,” he said. “Honey please relax I’m sure they’ll be here.” A woman sitting on a sofa across the room said. “I just hope you’re right Martha,” the man said with a sigh.
“Doctor Joram,” a female voice suddenly called out from a corner of the room. “W-who are you?” The Man asked in fear, directing his question at the two figures cloaked by shadow standing at the other end of the room. “Sorry we’re late,” the female voice said further before walking out of the shadow. “I’m Agent Natasha Pearl Symorov, from SIFT’s sub-zero division” Tasha said calmly. “I’m Fred Josh, SIFT’s special task force” Josh said showcasing his barge. “Oh thank goodness!” The Man said in relief. “I’m Lothan Joram and this is my wife Martha,” he continued pointing to the woman sitting across the room. “Please! Save our daughters,” the woman said with teary eyes as she handed Josh a picture of the twin girls. “We will ma’am,” Josh assured her. “Your girls are really cute. What are their names?” Tasha asked as she viewed the picture. “kiki and lily,” the woman replied. “I hope you guys weren’t followed,” Joram said. “No! We took all necessary precautions,” Tasha replied.
“Doctor Joram please tell us about this insurgents,” Josh urged him. “I don’t know much but they’ve been after me for sometime now, asking me to help them build a special kind of isotope but I refused their offer and they decided to take decisive actions against me,” the Doctor spoke in a low tone. “The kind of weapons they were equipped with were highly developed technological ones. Not the kind you can find on Bantheft,” he added. “Hmm that info will be very beneficial to unraveling the whereabouts of your daughters,” Tasha said nodding her head. “It’s a huge risk I’m taking contacting you. If they find out, my daughters will definitely be put to death. So on behalf of my wife and I, I beseech you to use your discretion and please, I beg you, BRING BACK OUR GIRLS,” Joram pleaded.
“Mr and Mrs Joram I give you my word, We will definitely save your daughters.” Josh promised.
Tasha could see it. That look in his eyes had determination written all over them. She couldn’t understand it but something about his brown eyes made her feel fuzzy inside. “Tasha,” Josh called out to her, grinding her thoughts to a halt and bringing her back to reality. “Let’s go.” Josh said calmly. “We’ll be in touch Doctor and Mrs Joram,” Tasha said just before they disappeared from the room.

– a new mission is in progress but how will it turn out?

– will Josh be able to keep his promise to this family?

– stay glued to GBoP to find out

This Chapter is dedicated to the families in the north whose children were abducted.



  1. Hmm is anyone else having problems with the pictures on this blog loading?
    I’m trying to find out if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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