this is as far as The Guardian legend goes” he said as he turned his attention to where Josh was which was presently covered in flames, a result of the huge explosion. Prince El’charro was about to leave before he realized there was another person close by. He turned back and sent his gaze towards the flames. “So you finally came,” he spoke as if he was talking to the flames. The flames and smoke cleared out to reveal Captain General Jim Bandwater standing in front of Josh. The Captain General had covered Josh and blocked El’charro’s shot! “Damn! Darn Distressingly dangerous daft delinquent!” The Captain General grunted. Back up had arrived! Finally! A ship suddenly appeared, hovering over the Captain General. It was the unicorn.
Prince El’charro stared at Captain Jim with disinterest. “We did not come here to start a war!” El’charro declared. “That’s what you’re gon get asshole,” Josh said as he tried getting on his feet. “You okay?” Captain Jim asked, turning his head slightly to the young man behind him but keeping his focus firmly on the man in white. “Yeah I am. Thanks for the assist, you’re a life saver,” Josh said. His wounds were already healed. Prince El’charro noticed this as well. “More importantly, he has the celestial orb. We’ve gotta get it back!” Josh spoke further. “Come! Lord Von Uhr Vogen!” Prince El’charro called out to his comrade. Immediately Lord Von who was fighting with Celine appeared by Prince El’charro’s side. “Sorry little girl! We will continue this later!” Lord Von said, his words directed at Celine who dashed at an incredible speed towards him. As Celine got closer she saw Josh standing and all healed up. Josh looked back at her and saw the Red fiery aura essence she was radiating. It felt way different from her normal aura essence. She still had that burning anger inside her, but it slowly faded and eventually disappeared when she saw that Josh was okay. “Celine are you alright?” Josh asked as the red head walked towards him. “Yeah I am now,” she said with a smile. “Good! so let’s get going!” Josh girded his sword firmly.
“It’s time for you to surrender El’charro!” Captain Jim spoke. “Adding more trash to the fray would not increase your chances of winning.” Prince El’charro said calmly. “I enjoin you to desist from these supererogatory flummeries. I will not be taken captive. I have yet many things to take care of,” El’charro spoke further in a very calm and relaxed tone. “Huh! You sure sound confident.” Josh said to the man in white. “Young one! At your current level, you are no match for me. You NEVER will. Go back and train. Then come and get me. Prepare yourself for what’s coming!” El’charro said to Josh. Suddenly Lord Von and prince El’charro were engulfed in a blue glow! “Let’s meet again….. SOLARAGE,” El’charro said calmly before he and Lord Von disappeared. “Wait! What did you just call me?” Josh shouted at him but he spoke too late. Both members of Herren Des Kosmos had disappeared taking the Celestial Orb with them. “Shit!!! Celine! Josh! Time to move out!! This planet is about to erupt!” Captain Jim called out as the planet began to shake and quake and the ground began to divide under them! Captain Rebecca shot a light beam at the three and teleported them into the ship. “Rebecca! Extraction is complete! Get us outta here!” Jim ordered.
Rebecca swiftly navigated the Unicorn ship out of the dying planet’s atmosphere before it erupted. A bright light of explosion could be seen by everyone on the ship. A huge agglomeration of people annihilated and extinct! What a horrible sight It was. “No!!!! My God noooo!!!” Josh exclaimed in horror. Celine walked up to Josh and gave him a snugly hug. She could feel the pain he was in. She knew it would take more than mere words to lift the huge burden he was shouldering at this trying moment.
Meanwhile, at Volderheim, a place meticulously hidden in a dimension abiding between this world and the next. Two figures both basking in blue glow of light suddenly appeared. They were Prince El’charro and Lord Von. Both men headed towards a huge palace-like mansion situated not far away from them. As they got closer to the huge edifice Lord Von spoke,” hmm why didn’t you finish him when you had the chance?” “Who gave you the audacity to question me?” El’charro replied with a question. “know your place! Anyways, your order was to get this celestial orb and nothing else. Do not attempt to go against the Sovereign One’s will,” El’charro said further.
“Ah Prince El’charro! Welcome! I see you were successful.” A voice greeted them as they walked into a huge room. “Pardon the delay oh Sovereign One, but we had other issues,” Lord Von spoke, his words directed at the cloaked figure sitting on what appeared to be a throne. “Lord Von I know you. You always go looking for trouble. You old swine!” A voice said from a corner of the huge room. “Shut up! You disrespectful bastard!” Roared Lord Von at the person who had just spoken. “Silence!!!” The Man on the throne ordered. “Apologies! Oh Sovereign One!” Both men said simultaneously, bowing their heads in fear. “Sovereign One, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. The Guardian is back. I saw him. He is powerful. He might pose a threat to us,” Lord Von said. “Huh? The Guardian? A threat? I’ve always known you to be a pussy Lord Von!” Another person, cloaked by shadow spoke from a corner of the room. “Silence!!! Lord Shztigart!! Do not interrupt Lord Von,” the Cloaked Figure sitting on the throne roared. “Prince El’charro you have been silent. What’s your take on the guardian?” The Man on the throne asked. “He is nothing more than trash! A feeble weakling with no prospect of ever posing a risk to the goals of Herren Des Kosmos!” El’charro spoke calmly. “Hmm I trust your judgment Prince El’charro. That is why I want you to oversee the issue with the Guardian. Make him your top priority. No one has better skills of observation than you,” the Man on the throne said. “As you wish Oh Sovereign One!” Prince El’charro took a bow and laid out his hand revealing the Celestial Orb. The orb began to levitate slowly towards the man sitting on the throne. “Once we have all seven Orbs. We will move unto the next phase of our plan and we will become unstoppable!” The Orb stopped moving when it got in front of the man on the throne and hung in the air. “Soon the entire universe will feel the power of Herren Des Kosmos. Hahahahahaahahahahah!!!!!” The Man laughed mischievously.
There’s scheming in the dark..

But what are they planning?..

Just who is this Sovereign One?

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