1. Na for old age ashawo dey know the value of pikin.
2. Woman wey never see problem na im dey still hold breast run.
3. Woman wey dey find pikin no dey wear pant sleep.
4. Rat wey follow lizard enter rain, na later é go hear am.
5. Na for afternoon dem dey find black goat.
6. Weather hot!! E no mean say fowl go lay boiled egg.
7. Eye wey dey cry dey see road.
8. Pikin wey him mama back cross water, wey say him march fish, wetin him mama go march?
9. Small pikin wey dem carry for back no know say the journey far.
10. Person wey don faint before no be stranger to death.
11. Person wey chop belle full, no know wetin hungry man dey see.
12. No be as woman dey close eye enjoy sex she dey enjoy labour pains.
13. Yansh no get teeth but e dey cut shit.
14. Lizard wey fall from tall iroko tree, if nobody hail am, e go hail himself.
15. If girl take husband do boyfriend, she go take boyfriend do husband.
16. Cockroach wey jam fowl, jam bad luck.
17. Na cricket tell him children say, No
matter how ground strong, dem no go sleep outside.
18. Pikin wey say him Mama no fine dey use style call him Papa blind man.
19. No be eye wey dem take chop eba dem take dey share meat.
20. Person wey use Elephant set trap, na him know wetin he wan catch.
21. When breeze blow fowl yansh go open.
22. Student Wey Read Na Him Serious, But Student Wey Pass Na Him Know Book .
23. Dem no dey tell tortoise say race don start.
24. Dem no de tell blind man say salt no dey for food.
25. Before you see monkey, monkey don see you.
26. Thief wey jump fence enter house where owner dey wait for am, no go jump again.
27. If pikin say he sabi die, him papa sef go tell am say him sabi bury.
28. Na wetin dey sweet for goat mouth, na im dey kill am.
29. If e be like say everybody dey craze” na you dey craze.
30. Meat wey you dey forbid, no use your teeth cut am.
31. My thing and our thing no be the same oh.
32. Na happiness dey make prick stand.
33. Na as goat stand for market dem dey price am.
34. Craze no hard to form, na the trekking be de wahala.
35. Its a small world!! No mean say you fit trek from Nigeria go Australia.
36. No matter how hot your temper be, e no fit boil beans.
37. Chicken wey run from Borno go Warri go still end up inside Mama Akpos pot of stew.
38. Today’s newspaper na tomorrow Suya wrap.
39. Akara and moi moi get the same parent, na wetin dem pass through make dem different.
40. Mosquito wey stand for blokos na drive dem dey drive am. Dem no dey kill am.