The rate at which people go half-naked is quite alarming and scary to the point that, people in a certain beach in New York go virtually naked!! The end of the world is fast approaching.
Hello aunty I know you didn’t ask and it is not my business because it is your life, but I just can’t resist giving you my honest opinion. HE SEES!!! Naked or not, don’t feel the need to showcase your breast and ass for social validation or whatever, your shape can never be different even if you put on the whole armor of clothing, HE SEES!! Don’t degrade your self-esteem because you’ll attract certain kind of men that will only disrespect your personality, get what you’ve enticed them with and leave!
Getting upset because someone wants sexual pleasure from you makes no sense, you called for it!! Beach wears are nice but I don’t understand why you will decide to be half-naked in almost all your pictures.
Please understand that exposing yourself doesn’t qualify you getting the right man. That’s how you people will get to your late thirties then start running to churches for prayers and deliverance because you are yet to get married. Cut off from any peer pressure, people advising you to blend in by going naked because it is the trend. This trend issue will lead many astray!! These naked celebrities you are copying have their private concerns which you’ll never know, some are even open to the public.
Only God provides the right partner that’s why you should go to him FIRST in prayers but your outfit will also attract them to you.
Good day!
Noniruth Mingla