…………™S†ořy So Fař™………….
Blaming himself for the loss of his best friend, Josh had sealed off his powers. But now, the universe is in peril and he is once again summoned.
Now working once more as an agent of SIFT, a special organization charged with securing the fate of the universe, Josh endeavors to unseal his powers..
But with this venture came an unexpected complication…
·̵̭̌✽̤̈̊The Guardian✽̤̈̊·̵̭̌
“Do not lie in wait, see passed hate and change your fate”
» Chapter 4: Embracing one’s fate «
“Solarage.. Solarage.. Hear my call..”
A mystical voice kept calling out. Josh could hear it loud and clear but had no idea what it meant. Taking time to inspect his surroundings, Josh discovered he was floating in what seemed to be a large dark room. It was null and void.
“Where am I?” Josh questioned.
“Solarage…. Solarage…” A voice called out with a loud whisper.
“Solarage? What’s that?” Josh asked in confusion.
“You lack knowledge of who you are. You lack knowledge of your true potentials. You lack knowledge of what I am.” The voice said repeatedly.
“Who are you? Why am I in this dark void? Where’s everyone?” Asked Josh.
“A curious mind you have proven to be but the answers you seek duels in your very essence Solarage,” the voice replied.
“I don’t understand, what does this “solarage” you keep mentioning mean?” Josh asked.
“You lack knowledge of who you are. You lack knowledge of what I am. You lack knowledge of where you are,” The voice said.
“How would I know where I am if you don’t tell me!” Josh retorted.
“Very well, This very place exists only in your mind. It is a dimension that duels in your very essence. It is an endless void that links your aura essence and mine. It is neither the land of the living nor the dead,” The voice said.
“So I’m still alive? How do I get out of here then?” Josh questioned.
“You can not escape your fate,” the voice replied.
“What are you talking about? Are you saying I’m trapped here?” Josh pondered.
“I have been calling out your name even before you were born, but you have refused to heed my call,” the voice said.
“What is my name?” Josh said with a pensive look.
“Solarage is what you will be called. Solarage is who you are. Solarage is your name,” the Voice answered.
“Hmmm I had a feeling you were referring to me earlier, but sorry I’m not solarage. My name’s Joshua. You’ve gotten the wrong person.” Said Josh.
“You know not of you own history. You are the one who will wield my power. Your fate is a horrible one,” the Voice said.
“And just what are you?” Josh asked. “I am raw energy. I am power. I am decimation. I am death,” The voice replied.
“And you want me to wield that kinda deadly power? You obviously don’t know me,” Josh said.
“It is not about what I want. You will certainly wield my power.” Said The voice.
“Just what are you? And why do you conceal your presence?” Josh questioned.
“I do not conceal my presence, I am all around you, open your eyes Solarage” came the reply.
As Josh gazed deeper he began to notice the liquid-like substance floating around him. But that wasn’t all. The substance was moving, constantly changing its shape and slowly gathering itself in one place.
“Just as the void in this dimension is endless, so too is my power,” It said.
“So this is your form?” Josh said as he approached the Liquid-like substance.
“I do not have a form. I can take whatever form I so choose,” a voice came from the Liquid-like substance.
“Do you intend to keep me trapped here forever?” Josh asked.
“No! My purpose is to give you unlimited access to my power,” the voice replied.
“You said your power is death, how do you expect me to use such a power? My goal is to Protect, not eliminate” Josh pointed out.
“How you use your power is entirely up to you, but know this; you will use it!” The voice from the aqueous substance said.
“There were two others before you. They too were chosen by fate to harness my power.” The voice spoke further.
“What happened to ’em?” Asked Josh.
“They both died horrible deaths, they couldn’t harness my power. Unless you embrace your fate you will fail,” Was the reply He got.
“I do not intend to harness your power. I am strong. I have my own abilities,” Josh said with confidence.
“Is that your answer?” The voice questioned.
“Yeah you bet!” Replied Josh with a flare of certainty.
“Very well, but you will find me. You will seek my power.” The voice said repeatedly.
After saying those words the aqueous substance before Josh began to dissipate and suddenly a strong wind came all around Josh.
“Wait what’s happening?” Josh asked as he was being carried to and fro by the wind.
“We will meet again Solarage…. We will.” A voice whispered.
“Shit! Wait we aint through yet! Wait!” Josh shouted only to realize he was waking up.
“Hah? Was that a dream?” Josh wondered.
“Dr Flynch!! He’s out of coma!” A nurse called out to the Doctor. “My word! Finally You’re awake” Flynch said as he entered the room.
“Coma? You mean I’ve been unconscious all this while? For how long Doc?” Josh asked.
“For six days.. You’ve being in coma for six days,” Flynch replied.
“Do you remember anything?” Flynch asked.
“Uhm all I remember was that I was in the buffer chamber, the lights getting brighter and then everything went blank,” Josh said. Looking at his left hand Josh realized that the Red bracelet he had on earlier was still on his wrist.
“You couldn’t get it off after all,” Josh remarked.
“Actually we did but…”
“Josh! Mi lad!!” Rebecca stormed in interrupting the Doctor.
“Mmmmuah good to see you’re back!” Rebecca said kissing and hugging the lad tightly.
“Umph Ca-captain I can’t breathe..not so tight,” Josh gasped for air as his head was buried in between the female pilot’s huge busts.
“Oh so so sorry mi lad” Rebecca apologized as she freed his head from captivity.
“Haahahah Captain Rebecca good to see you too, but you sounded like it was something serious. You know I’m a tough cookie” Josh gave Rebecca a wink.
“I know mi lad but what happened to you was really serious. Actually you…”
“Captain Becks don’t!” Celine suddenly butted in. She was leaning on the door and had a very pensive look. Josh could feel something strange in the air.
“Uhm Celine what’s going on?” Josh asked.
“It’s nothing Jay. I don’t just want Captain Becks troubling you. You know she worries too much,” Celine replied.
But Josh was not the type to be easily fooled he could sense a hint of sadness and fear from Celine’s eyes.
“Doc could I speak with you for a sec?” Celine motioned to Flynch.
“Absolutely Miss Butterfield,” flynch replied. As Flynch and Celine made their way outside the room, Josh paused to ponder over the strange conversation he just had while he was unconscious. He tried convincing himself it was all just a dream but he knew how real that felt. Somehow he could almost feel it, that strange viscous liquid which spoke to him and called him by a different name. Josh has always being a curious soul and no doubt he knew he wasn’t going to let this mystery stay unsolved.
“Josh? Are you alright? Whatchu thinking about mi lad?” Rebecca asked with such concern.
“Say, Captain did something happen while I was unconscious?” Josh asked.
“Uh well n-nothing really” Rebecca replied rather tensed.
“Hmmph alright” Josh heaved a sigh. Pandorians were such bad liars, Josh knew this more than anyone. And being very perceptive in nature he obviously sensed that they were all hiding something.
“Mi love I have to get back to the control deck, I’ll return to check up on you okay?” Rebecca said.
“Alright Captain. Thanks!” Josh responded with a smile realizing that she was probably just looking for a way to avoid further questioning.
Meanwhile, just outside the room Celine and Dr Flynch were having a serious conversation.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. He deserves to know,” Flynch spoke nodding his head.
“But you know why I’m asking you to keep it from him. We have no idea how he’ll react,” celine said.
“I well understand what telling him implies but I think we should just trust him. He’s stronger than you think. I mean didn’t you defend him despite the state he was in? Just exercise the same faith you had in him then,” Flynch admonished.
Celine saw the truth in the Scientist’s statement. “Alright but please let me do it,” Celine said.
“Doctor Flynch? Josh is asking for you. I’m heading to the control deck. I’ll be back later,” Rebecca said as she left the room.
Flynch and Celine entered the ward only to find Josh sitting upright. He was definitely preparing to leave that place.
“Jay? Where do you think you’re going? You not yet..”
“I’m fine Celine, you know I heal fast,” Josh retorted with a confident smile.
“Hey Doc care to explain just what you did to me? I have my original powers back so why is this red bracelet still my wrist?” Josh said directing his question to Flynch.
“Oh so you noticed? I re-calibrated the limiter, ” Flynch replied.
“So there is another kind of power inside of me that the limiter Is suppressing this very moment,” Josh remarked.
“Doc don’t beat around the bush. Tell me what happened while I was unconscious.”
Flynch and Celine could tell that he was dead serious. He’s figured it out. There was no point in keeping the truth from him any longer. Heaving a sigh, Celine spoke, “It’s best you see things for yourself.”
Tapping her digital wrist watch Celine brought out a little holographic disc and inserted it in a computer sitting on a desk near by.
“I did all this?” Josh questioned as he watched the recorded video.
“Yeah but it wasn’t really you. You had no idea what you were doing at the time.” Celine pointed out.
“It doesn’t change anything, I almost killed you. What if the Captain General hadn’t been there?” This revelation was terribly troubling to Josh.
“Uhm doc just what is behind this power?” Josh asked.
“It’s called the Dark matter. It’s pure and indestructible. We have no idea how it got inside of you.” Replied Flynch.
“But you are positive that the limiter will hold it in right?” Josh asked.
“Yes but, it also depends on your Will and emotional state,” Flynch answered.
“Celine I’m sorry for what I did to you. I swear to you I’ll always protect you.” That statement rendered Celine speechless as she saw the seriousness in his eyes. He wasn’t kidding at all. There was something lurking deep in his eyes and tone of voice.
“Just what is he hiding?” Celine asked herself.
Josh didn’t wait for Celine to find the words to respond, as he got up, slipped his hands in his pocket and made his move towards the door. As Josh walked out of the ward, he made a decision within himself never to use whatever power the Dark matter offered him. But little did he know that a particular secret cult was already on the move, desperately in search of the very same power he has refused to harness.
Can the limiter hold this forbidden power dueling in Josh indefinitely?
What is this secret cult and what could they possibly hope to gain with such devilish power?
What is that strange liquid that spoke with Josh?
Stay glued to MADSTREETZ to find out!