How to Solve Facebook Policy Monetization Issue

How to Solve Facebook Policy Monetization Issue

The Facebook policy monetization issue can be a big let-down and sometimes can prove hard to get past. I understand that you landed here because you or someone close to you have tried to resolve this to no avail. Don’t worry, by the end of this article you should understand how to solve or bypass this terrible setback.

To truly solve a problem, we need to understand the cause and root of the problem.

Reasons for Facebook Policy Monetization Issue

There are a couple of reasons why Facebook has refused to tick the section for content monetization policy. It may be because the profile attached to the page itself has a couple of strikes or flagged content. It is suspected that ads issues from the Facebook profile associated with the page might be a problem.

Secondly, it is most likely due to unoriginal content on your Facebook page. Before deciding to monetize a Facebook page or profile, especially on an old page or profile, you must first perform a clean-up. This means you need to go through your page and delete every content you didn’t make originally. This is the major cause of content policy issues. Lastly, since most of these social media platforms use automated systems to analyze pages, you just might be a victim of wrong analysis by the Facebook algorithm or automated system. The first step towards making sure your page is ok is checking if the page is recommendable.

Complete levels on Facebook

Most importantly, this is mostly ignored but it’s been observed that Facebook takes activeness very seriously so one way they measure how active you are is by how fast you complete the levels on your dashboard, we recommend that before you start attending to any other aspect trying to fix the content policy issue, first make sure you fix or complete the levels proposed by Facebook.

How to check if your page is recommendable

Facebook determines the health of your page and then recommends it to people. Page being recommendable by Facebook shows that you’re doing things right. Note that your page can be recommendable and still not have the content monetization policy ticked.

To check your page recommendation on a mobile app;

Navigate to your profile, click dashboard, then scroll to page recommendations. If you have any issues here, you will see it., if not, Facebook will let you know that your page is recommendable.

Also, Facebook has a way of notifying you of your copyrighted content and unoriginal posts. They have a special inbox for that. To locate this, navigate to your profile, scroll down then locate HELP & SUPPORT, next click on Support Inbox, then click on YOUR ALERTS. Here you should find information on posts that have gone against Facebook copyright policy, you will need to delete them, if there are no posts or alerts here, they will show you that all is well.

How to fix Facebook Ads Issue:

If your profile has ads issues, you might need to consider fixing it. Facebook has not officially said that your ads account may impact monetization, but we do know that issues with Facebook profiles can affect the pages affiliated with the profile. So, everything should be ok when you’re working towards monetization.

Fixing Facebook ads issues can be easy and also complicated depending on the reasons for the issue. If your Ads account was suspended due to pending payment, then that is because your country’s cards are not accepted on Facebook. officially, US dollar cards can clear billing issues on Facebook no matter the currency.

If you do not have a US Dollar card, you can get one on Geegpay Africa. Make sure you use this referral code kokogo5072.

Solving the content monetization policy issue

If these processes above do not fix the content monetization policy issue, that is, deleting unoriginal posts and solving your ads issues., then there is one last thing to do., this is also the final solution in case you do not have unoriginal content and ads issues. You will have to contact Facebook for help.

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How to contact Facebook help.

Contacting Facebook help can be complicated and it is always sad when it is an inevitable route to take.

First, you need to take a screenshot of the page where you have the content monetization policy not marked (if your app is updated, you will be able to take a screenshot while submitting the report). Navigate to the same HELP & SUPPORT, then click on REPORT A PROBLEM, next page you will see CONTINUE TO REPORT, click that, and next click INCLUDE. A list of options describing the problems that are available to report will come up, click OTHER, and on the next page you will see a page to describe the issue.

Write your message like this; Hello, I have worked hard on my page to grow with original content, and yet you have failed to tick my content monetization policy as shown in the screenshot, kindly fix it as soon as possible. Thanks.

You will have to wait a few days to hear from Facebook. Make sure to keep being active during this waiting period.


Consider changing the affiliated profile

Sometimes your Facebook profile might just be the culprit. If your page is affiliated with a flagged profile, it will definitely suffer even though it does not have any policy issues. So you might want to consider changing ownership of your page to a fresh Facebook profile. Note that you should not just create a new profile from scratch, this is because Facebook always needs 30 days to establish your presence. So, if you do not already have a different facebook profile, just buy one. Contact us if you need to get an established Facebook account.

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