The Real Reason Why Facebook Ads “Don’t Work” For Musicians
The Real Reason Why Facebook Ads "Don't Work" For Musicians One common thing that I hear a lot from musicians is "I used Facebook ads...
Why Facebook Boost Posts Are Terrible For Promoting Your Music
Why Facebook Boost Posts Are Terrible For Promoting Your Music A lot of musicians are literally throwing their money down the drain. I'm not talking...
Beef Up Your Music Press Kit
Beef Up Your Music Press Kit One of the biggest mistakes I've seen made by bands and artists today is to underestimate the importance of...
Music Licensing – What, How and Why It’s Important for Your Business
Music Licensing - What, How, and Why It's Important for Your Business Music licensing commonly refers to 'royalty-free music' or 'production music'. This is music...
Are Music Reviews and Music Press Helpful Tools in Promoting Your New CD Release?
Are Music Reviews and Music Press Helpful Tools in Promoting Your New CD Release? Well, some might say that by asking me, you may be...
Model Agency: A Beginner’s Guide
Model Agency: A Beginner's Guide A beginner entering the industry should aim to know all the nuts and bolts of a model agency in order...
Secrets for Growing Your Business Quickly!
Secrets for Growing Your Business Quickly Nothing Guarantees Instant Success, But There are Strategic Ways of Doing Things for Positive Results. When you first launch...
First Thing To Do As An Upcoming Artiste
First Thing To Do As An Upcoming Artiste. In my line of work as a digital marketer, specifically for artistes and record labels, I have...