Sucking pussy is one thing some men in this part of the world see as a taboo, an abomination and ‘unafrican’. To them, it is a No No; they say how can they use the same mouth they use in eating and praying to their creator to suck a woman’s toto. Aru! Smh! It’s quite unfortunate that we still have these kind of men among us.
Sucking a woman’s pussy is one thing every man should give to his woman. It is the height of selfishness to deny a woman the pleasure that makes her go crazy. Every man should be a terrible and amazing pussy eater. Every man should be able to suck madness into his woman’s head. Don’t just pull off her pant and start to bang her otu, No! Suck the damn pussy until her legs begin to quake and she can’t stand it anymore before you can now penetrate. Any woman who have never experienced the craziness of being sucked is yet to understand the mightiness of ila otu. As much as I know, emere otu ka amicha ya amicha tupu ala ya. A well sucked pussy is a well soaked pussy; a well soaked pussy is a well wet pussy and a well wet pussy can comfortably accommodate any dick size without bruises.
If she finds it difficult to get wet, suck her pussy real good; if she finds it hard to be aroused for fuck, suck her dirty; if she easily dries up while banging her, suck her very well before penetrating the otu isi ike; if you are a two minute man, use your tongue to make up by sucking her for 30mins so that she can cum as many times as possible before you can now penetrate her and bang her for your usual 2mins and pour. You will notice she won’t even complain of your quick ejaculation because you have used your tongue to make up your deficiency; if she complains that you have never made her to cum, suck her real good and watch her confess. If she has never begged you to penetrate her, suck her for 30mins none stop and watch her beg you to enter.
Real men eat pussy! If you think your mouth should not go near there, then your dick should not even dare to enter. If my dick can enter there, then my mouth should be able to eat it real good.
Suck before you Fuck! That is why you have an elastic tongue. Don’t just use your tongue to shout at her, rather use your tongue to lash out at her pussy. It is better you leave marks of your tongue on her pussy than to leave bruises on it. Sucking a woman’s pussy makes her feel so good and so relaxed and so babyish. Every woman’s body is meant to be eaten, especially otu ya. If you are a man and you have never tasted a woman’s pussy with your tongue or you cannot tell the taste of her pussy, then you are missing out long ago.
Once the pussy is neat, clean and well shaved, then it deserves to be sucked. Once the pussy is tasteless and odourless, then bro, micha ma lacha kwa ya. Suck and lick up every juice, mmiri otu na mmanu otu. After kissing and sucking her breast for more than 15mins so that her first mmiri otu will flow and wash out the innermost pussy dirt, let her lie down, spread her legs very wide like a fowl, then use your hands to spread the pussy wide. If you look very well at the pussy, it has three layers.
The first layer is always dark. It is just a light skin like handkerchief. This first layer is the flesh that covers the clit. Use your left thumb and index finger to seperate and push out this first skin that covers the clit. Once you seperate it wide, you will see the almighty Clit, standing and waving like a flag , begging to be sucked. That is the second layer. This clit is always reddish. That is the pleasure house. The clit is the engine and power house of the pussy. Once you see it, smile mischievously, bite your lips , and then stick out your tongue to touch and taste it. Immediately you touch the clit with your tongue, she will shake vigorously. That is a sign that you are there. Now bro, suck the damn clit real good. Have you ever seen a dog licking water? That is nature teaching you how to suck a pussy. Suck and suck as she is screaming and scattering the bed due to excess pleasure. Honestly, if you put your mind in it, you will enjoy it. As you are sucking her, occasionally glance at her face to know if she is enjoying it or not. All your sucking should be concentrated on the clit which is located at the topmost side of her pussy while the mmiri otu will be flowing at the down side. Eat it the same way you eat watermelon . Suck everything and lick up everything. To be a good pussy eater, you have to master suffocation techniques especially if you are sucking a chubby pussy that has oyoyo otu or an advanced ikpu that has nkotonko otu. You know those kind of pussy that when you are sucking them, their clit and their akpa otu will just cover your nose making it hard for you to breath. If you don’t know how to cease your breath for good 5mins, you won’t be able to last five minutes down there because the otu will choke you. Some pussies can choke for Africa. Choking pussies need a master pussy eater to handle them. Cease your breath, enter and suck, suck and suck, then raise your head up and take fresh air, put back your head down there and continue eating the damn pussy until she can no longer withstand the pressure of pleasure.
The kind of pussy she has determines how best to suck her. If she has pot belly in addition to her oyoyo otu, then the best way to handle her is to suck her from behind. This is called doggy sucking. Let her lie down facing downwards and then raise her ass up like someone that wants to fart to reveal the pink succulent cunt. You will see the clit hanging like pawpaw chariri achari, overripe pawpaw ready to fall. Then you should bend down as if you want to peep her ass and then suck the clit real good. Use your tongue and flip it over and over, front and back, sideways and then carry your entire mouth and scrub it as if you are mopping the floor. Try as much as possible to avoid contacts with the teeth. It should be a toothless suck. She will just be shaking and quaking. Be at alert because if her pussy squirts, it will splash on your face. So once she starts shaking so terribly, rubbing her hands on her pussy jaw, just shift back a bit otherwise the whole mmiri otu will splash on your face. Chubby pussies can squirt for Africa. As they are chubby, it’s only mmiri otu mmiri otu that fills their mkpuru otu. You will hardly see any mmanu otu from their aki otu unless it is a chubby ikpu onye okenye.
Doggy sucking is the best way to suck chubby pussy, oyoyo otu, chubby ikpu and nkotonko ikpu.
Also doggy sucking is good on otu mkpumkpu and otu kpurukpuru. You know those ladies that are round on the ground, those ladies nagba kpurukpuru n’ala, they are not tall, very short but their waist is a killer. If they are walking , fan’efe ike kpaka kpaka kpaka! Women ass nenye obi uto, honestly. It gladdens my heart at the sight of bouncing asses and dancing asses. Ike obi uto!
They have irresistible waist with awesome ass.
Chai! Otu kpurukpuru is the bomb. They can hang their legs for 50mins nonstop banging and their positioning is pussyclass. Once they position, nothing to adjust again because they can spread their legs so well. Doggy sucking is the best for them.
If it is otu lepa or otu ogologo, missionary sucking is the best for them.
Ladies, this is why it is important to keep your otu very neat and tidy. Biko ekwela Ka otu gi or ikpu gi nesi isi. If your otu is neat, well shaved, odourless and tasteless, a real pussy eater and snail chopper will suck your pussy, eat it, chop it, devour it, head it and shine the goddamn congo until it glitters. Always shave your aji otu and your aji ikpu very well. It is very annoying to go down to a woman only to be met with a stiff resistance from the stench that oozes out of her akpa otu.
Nothing makes a man uncomfortable and disappointed than a smelling pussy. It is a total turn off for every man. That is why some men will end up getting mouth warts after sucking a soured pussy, otu gbara uka, ikpu nesi akpu akpu, ikpu agbara uka; otu nesi ka stagnant water filled with mosquito larva, Otu nalo alo ka snail , otu nwere virus, otu that has those small whitish thick liquid that smells crazily, otu nwere cobweb. No man should ever wish to jam this kind of otu.
As I have advised before, try and sleep naked most nights so that fresh air can enter your akpa otu.
After urinating, use water and flush your pussy. Do away with Tissue. That thing called tissue does not clean anything. Use water or wipers to clean up after urinating. Tissue will only clean the liquid but water cleans both the liquid and the smell. When you are at home, wear light clothes and most times, go pantless and braless. These helps to reduce odour from your otu ocha. It is so annoying and embarrassing to see a well packaged lady with pretty face of lovely make up only for her to spread her legs and you will be met with an awful stench.
While making up your face, also make up your pussy. Don’t be walking about with a stinking pussy, don’t. Why should a grown up lady have a smelling pussy? Odiro nma biko. Ekwela ka otu gi nesi isi biko nwanyi oma mara nma, ife ya ama. If you always sleep with pants on, please stop it.
Why should a lady sleep with pants? Maka gini kwanu? Some even sleep with tights on top pants.
Then tell me why your pussy won’t smell? Free the otu biko. Every lady should sleep pantless, spread your legs and let fresh air enter the goddamned pussy. Make your pussy uncomfortable for germs to grow. After every sex, don’t just doze off, go to the bathroom and wash off your pussy; if he used condom on you, make sure you wash off because condom has some oily liquid in it, wash off these oil from your pussy after fuck; while he is banging you, be very careful to ensure the condom hasn’t busted. If it has busted inside you, make sure you look out for the pieces, don’t allow any external material such as condom pieces inside your pussy. Some men are very funny, they will be banging you with condom and the condom will burst; instead of them to stop and pick out the pieces from the otu, they will continue to pound flesh to flesh because it is now sweeter. The lady won’t notice what was going on until after the fuck.
It is not right; you are doing so at the expense of the lady’s health because as you are pounding her with the busted condom, you are simply pushing the pieces deeper into her pussy thereby making it more difficult for it to be retrieved and removed from her. Her pussy will end up smelling for you if you are the only man in her life or the next man she will meet will suffer the terrible stench. I have lost count of how many times my condom will burst. I have posted the rate condoms are breaking these days on my wall. Though the price of almost every condom brand has increased but the quality is no more what it used to be. You will be in the middle of a serious hot fuck only to discover that your condom has busted. Wash regularly with water. Drink enough water daily to reduce the salt level of your pussy; bath always. Eat lots of fruit.
Listen, from January to December, there must be a fruit in season. Presently this is mangoe season, eat lots of mangoe. It makes your pussy to taste sweet. As I have said before, I am still saying it again, I love the pussies I have sucked so far.
They are tasteless, odourless and very neat. I typically eat it up because it tastes like real fruits. No salt taste and no foul smell. Simply awesome. If you are a husttling woman that sweats under the sun due to the nature of your business or a market woman, just make sure you bath always and wash your pussy after business, then sleep pantless and spread your legs. If you are a woman that have given birth to children, same thing. If you work in an office with AC where you sweat less and your pussy is still smelling, you should be ashamed of yourself. You are simply lazy. There should never be a justification for a smelling pussy bikonu umu oma! Personally, before I suck, my nose would have smelled the pussy first. If it is smelling, my dick will just bow out and fall. Nothing weakens a strongly erected dick than a smelling pussy. So far, I have never encountered a stinking pussy. All the pussies or rather all the ikpu ndi okenye I have met so far have always been neat, tasteless and odourless. As he is eating your pussy, giving you head, sucking the damn otu, washing your plate and licking all the lickables from your mbadamba otu, you should be whining your waist up and down and roll it round, be biting your lips in a romantically naughty way, use one of your hands to be pushing his head deeper into your cunt for a good scratch, roll your eyes to angle 69 like someone that is possessed by the spirit of conji, twist your mouth one side and be moaning out some nasty words such as “OMG, baby iji ya, you are there, suck me mehn, come on, so you can suck so well, ouch this is crazy, I have never been sucked like this all my life, igbugom, ilariem isi, chai, namim nwoke oma, misiem ike, you are crazy, you are a real pussy eater, arrrrr, ewo, anwuom ooo, chei! # sobs “. The essence of these is to energize him and make him feel good, it encourages him and fires up the man in him. Don’t just lie down like a fat pig without emotions. It kills the passion.
Suck then Fuck