AD IZ GOOD competition instructions 1.visit this sites to download the beat a.Largerthanlife b.DUDESand Divasnationblog c.OSblog or join the fb group @xstudio100 2.record a freestyle over the free bad iz gud beat and send it to [email protected] 3.upload it on largerthanlifebaby blog/dudes and divas nation blog/OSblog 4.do a video of your verse and post it on instagram with #BADIZGOODCOMPETITION #XSTUDIO100 5.winner gets to record 2 tracks of his/her choice for FREE! COURTESY: XSTUDIO
NB:you hv to join the studio’s fb group(Xstudio100) and also like the studio’s handle on IG @xstudio100 for your entry to be valid entries close on August 31st 2016,the top 10 entries will be revealed and then voting begins.