Genevieve Nnaji wrote…✍🏽
“Ndi Yoruba na Igbo-Phobia”
The Igbos have never been the problem with Nigeria or wherever they find themselves.
This is not ethnic jingoism or
The Igbos will never foment troubles where they are because they know that “Isi kote ebu, ọgbaa ya”.
They also know deep in their hearts that “Ife onye metalu, obulu.”
The Igbos will never kill others to live because they believe that “ndụ bu ịsị.”
Yes, murder or “ịgbu ọchu” is one of the most despicable crimes amongst the Igbos.
The Igbos believe that once you are alive, there is always a way left to succeed.
The “igba mbọ” is perhaps the best gift of the Igboman.
Yes, the Igbos struggle to make it in life.
They are industrious, assiduous & sedulous.
The Igbos also believe in helping one
That’s why you hear “onye aghana nwanne ya.”
There is also no lateness in making it in life amongst the Igbos
because “ebe onye ọsọ ruru, ka onye ije geru” and uwa mgbede ka mma.”
Igbo businessmen are scattered all over the world.
Wherever they are, they make their homes, building houses & gentrifying districts.
For most lgbos, “ala bu otu.”
Igbos are liberal, accommodating & very friendly to foreigners.
This is because they are themselves scattered all over the world as
Na Lagos, Ndi Igbo n’agba ọsọ ahia, Igbo n’ere gala na go slow, Igbo n’aru conductor, ụmụ Igbo bụ importers bụrụ manufacturers, Igbo nọ into clearing and forwarding, Igbo n’esi
nri, ụmụnna n’ere motor parts, Igbo n’arụ police na ọrụ aka.
Ndi Igbo adirọ selective with jobs maka na onye rụọ, orie.
But the Igbos will never take your lands or countries from you.
The Igboman thinks about his native home.
Yes, you will never provide him with “akpu”, bitter leaves soup, palm wine, isi ewu & other scrumptious dishes he misses at Igboland.
While living in your country or state, never you imagine the Igbo is not
thinking about his village.
My friend, he does that everyday.
Where ever the Igbos ubicate, their hearts are not far from their native homes.
Stop killing the Igbos.
They will only make their money & go
back to their land.
And they know how to make legitimate money.
Yes, where you see nothing, the Igbos with their gimlet eyes see “Ego.”
So when next you meet an Igboman, ask him “Nna, how far?”
If you are lucky & he had done a successful business deal, he
might just take you out for lunch. Yes, the Igbos like sharing.
On the other hand, if business is low, he will tell you the normal clichés… “Obodo bu Igwe” or Ife an’eme adirọ easy” or “Ogbogu di tight.”
Look at his face closely as he laments.
You will see no signs of defeatism. Mind you, he might just be carrying 1Million Naira in his pockets.
Just that the money had already been budgeted for “sontin es!!!”