A boss. In an office used a scissors to cut the hair of his female staff because apparently they had failed to adhere to a rule that their hairdos must not go beyond their collars.
I know I keep saying that this administration cannot surprise me anymore, but by God, they outdo themselves every time.
The last time I was subjected to this kind of humiliation, I was 16 and writing NECO. The Principal descended like an avenging angel and went to work cutting students’ hair. Of course the more stubborn ones among us left the examination hall and went home. I didn’t. I realized that in the scale of preference, my English exam was far more important than my hair. The hair will always grow. It didn’t reduce the humiliation and shame though.
We were mostly 16 year olds but most parents gave our Principal grief because shame and disgrace affects any age.
I can’t imagine what these women were feeling while their hair was being cut. Or how they explained this lawlessness to their children, husband, neighbors, friends, enemies.
You’d think any human being who hears about this will be shocked, right?
You’ll be wrong.
Lawless Nigerians who elected Buhari to literally whip them into shape are defending this silliness. They think it’s better than having these defaulters face the legal consequences of their actions.
I don’t know where we went wrong. But I’ve realized that most Nigerians see themselves as animals and expect to be treated as such.
It’s terrifying. Really.
How do we explain to these ones that laws are laid down guides designed to protect them from extremists?
How do we teach them to respect themselves enough to demand to be treated right?
I am a very tired Nigerian.