Deborah Samuel: Beware Of Overnight Religious Teachers, Nasrul-Lahi-l-Fatih NASFAT Warned
Deborah Samuel: Beware Of Overnight Religious Teachers, Nasrul-Lahi-l-Fatih NASFAT Warned
asrul-Lahi-l-Fatih has urged Muslim clerics and Islamic alliances to prioritize the schooling of proper fundamentals of the faith as nicely as the regulations of Islamic law while reaching out to individuals and disciples to beware of overnight Imams and pastors, He stated.

The Chief Missioner of NASFAT, Imam Abdul-Azeez Onike said on Channels TV on 17th May 2022, stressing the need to continuously elevate the teaching of the plans and purposes of the belief in a more holistic context.
Imam Abdul-Azeez told those religious teachers who know nothing about religion as “the ones that have quit and have nowhere to go besides and then choose the bible or Qur’an and start blabbing out orders.”
The cleric criticized the killing of the young Deborah Samuel and all actions of jungle justice and extrajudicial killings.
“We require to continue to let the text voice to us as we guide people through the fundamentals of our religion. And that’s what Nasrul-Lahi-l-Fatih (NASFAT) is doing he said.
“We are elevating principles of Islamic law. If anybody gives you a verdict, you must find out how such an individual came to the ruling.
Imam Abdul-Azeez Onike said If an individual has been given the direction that the religion lectures peace and especially about righteousness, love, knowledge, and goodness when anybody speaks to you something unlike, he should seek a second view.
“But if what the scholars, church or mosques are training you is about enmity and they cannot quote the Qur’an or even if they preach the Bible, you let them know fundamentally that our faith is for leisure, our religion if for integrity and justice,” he stated.
A follower of the British Association for Islamic Studies, Onike urged Muslim clerics and leaders to always think about the general effect and use of their actions at all times.
he also said what Islamic regulations seek to achieve is peace, unity, justice, and peaceful co-existence.
Imam Abdul-Azeez Onike. a member of the American Academy of Religion said, “If anything wants to prevent that accomplishment, we will take it aside for a bit, and that is our religion.
“Individuals need to know the purpose of our religion. People need to know how to come at making Islamic ruling.
He also said “Individuals don’t require to be students to comprehend this. If a doctor advises 10 doses of Paracetamol for you in the dawn, 10 in the noon, and 10 at the night, you will not abuse it.
“We also are pleading our individuals to know those who have learned this religion, overnight Imams, scholars, and pastors, and consistently seek a dual view.
“Please our religion is peace, those who know nothing about religion should be sent back to school before they set our country on fire, enough of fake ministering and fake teaching of religious teachers, who only come for the money and hatred to others faiths,
we need to know what we voice out while teaching our students, most of us are religion slaves, we believe whatever our teacher tells us without doing our own research,
we they hear is go and don’t understand meaning of love and peace, we are no more in years of stones, so while killing for God when God can fight his battle without looking back, but he is God of peace and loving God,
enough of fake preachers, nobody has the right to take anyone’s life for God, why must you fight for God, he asked,
you can’t fight for the sprite, you can’t fight for who is meant to fight for the world, please let’s be guided on what will talk about what others believe,